Winning, Just in Time

Winning Just In Time presents a proven factory scheduling system in a format that’s easy to read. The reader can’t wait to flip pages and gets caught up in a spellbinding tale of business problems and romance. This novel is becoming a must-read among business executives who want a proven scheduling system that improves profit while reducing inventory and improving promises kept to their customers, without the outlay of thousands of dollars to consultants.

As an added bonus, for a limited time, the paperback edition contains a “pocket consultant” appendix that teaches in detail how to install and run the Boardwalk Scheduling System. Nobody else knows your product like you do so DO IT YOURSELF!

Available in Paperback & Kindle Editions
ISBN-10: 1983283339
ISBN-13: 978-1983283338

I really enjoyed this book. The writer has a good writing style that makes it very easy to read. It gets a little technical in spots but you never lose the point of the story. This book is for everyone. However, if you are in the Manufacturing or Production and Inventory Control fields I would imagine this is a great read.
