The Challenge

Expanding upon themes explored in North River Press’s bestselling business novel The Goal, this is the story of Larry Jones, a 30-year-old financial wizard. To become the next CEO of ConnYankee, the country’s leading manufacturer of precision machined parts, Larry must dramatically improve the performance of the company’s New England plant. Like the racehorses owned by ConnYankee’s present CEO, Larry and the team he assembles are bred to win if they abandon obsolete American business practices. Prodded by Vickie Barlow, a Harvard MBA candidate, Larry institutes a series of innovative changes in the plant’s production methods. Models demonstrating techniques of scheduling and inventory control and graphs charting the plant’s progress help to illustrate Larry’s attempts to harness the talents of labor and management through the use of synchronized manufacturing principles.

ISBN-10: 0884270777 ISBN-13: 978-0884270775 Published by: North River Press (1988)
*This title is currently out of printPlease contact the author directly for a copy.

Please watch for Robert f. Lundrigan’s upcoming release “Winning, Just in Time” the continuation of this topic.

…teaches techniques of manufacturing in a way that’s interesting to read. People are eager to flip to the next page…

Management Accounting

The reader is caught up in a spell-binding tale of business problems, competition and romance…

The Business Connection

There is no doubt that this book will quickly become a best-seller among manufacturing executives…skillfully told tale…

Success Magazine