Expert manufacturing consultant and published
author, Robert F. Lundrigan, tries his hand at
science fiction… the results are amazing!

Robert F Lundrigan is a certified member of APICS and former Manager of Materials at General Electric. A native of Massachusetts, he graduated from Lowell Institute in Mechanical Engineering and later attended technical and creative writing workshops at Harvard. He has helped several companies as a consultant to improve profits by using the theory of constraints, with great success. Bob has written numerous articles for professional journals.

Keeping a 75 year old promise

  When I was a small boy I fell in love with the public library and went there every day after school to look at the books and read. I found a section which contained books about King Arthur and the round table. Among the books was a small book called Adrift In A...

It’s My Heart New England

My granddaughter, Amy, was pregnant with her second child in 2011 when her doctor told her that the baby needed to be aborted because his heart didn't develop properly and was only half a heart. Her own heart was broken but she was determined so she went to a...